Speed Dating: Not Just for the Young Whippersnappers!

Skyline Village Speed Dating for Seniors

Speed Dating has been “a thing” among millennials for several years now.  You gather a bunch of men and women together, and you pair them off for little five minute “speed dates” where they ask each other questions, and get to know each other.  Then after five minutes, boom – you move onto the next table for your next “date”, and this continues on for about an hour. At the end of your “speed dates”, you get to select from several people you’d like to get to know better.  If you happen to match up with those people, then you’ve just the opportunity to go on longer dates with your matches.

Up until now, this activity has mostly been for a relatively young crowd.  But Skyline Village Retirement Community is about to change all that!

Skyline Village newcomer Director of Marketing Arlene Hicks has decided to bring the first-ever Speed Dating for Seniors to Birmingham, Alabama, marking the first time this has been tried in the state of Alabama.  

“Seniors are really in a unique dating situation,” says Arlene.  “Many are divorce or widowed, and all are having a really difficult time finding compatible people to date.  Seniors are often not as social as young people, so they’re just not as exposed to different venues where they’ll meet someone they’re compatible with.  So we decided to help with that by bringing Speed Dating for Seniors to Alabama.”

There’s already been tremendous interest in this Speed Dating for Seniors program.  So they are expecting a record turnout for their May 17th event, which starts at 3:00 pm.  The event is being held at Skyline Village Retirement Community, a beautiful modern retirement community with gorgeous views of the skyline of downtown Birmingham – perfect for a night of fun and possibly romance to boot.  Obviously you do NOT have to be a resident of the community to register for the event.  In fact, Arlene hopes to draw people all throughout the Birmingham area to the event.  

Says Arlene, “Worst case scenario, you walk away from the Speed Dating event with new friends, new people to do things with.  Best case scenario is that the new love of your life might just be sitting across the table from you!”

Markets like Atlanta and Dallas have had great success with Speed Dating for Seniors in recent months, so it appears to be a new trend in senior living that’s had a big impact on the seniors community in those markets.  As this article from Today.com points out, single seniors tend to spend a lot of time by themselves, which can be very isolating and lonely.  Speed Dating events, complete with happy hour and appetizers, allow people to mingle informally together before and after the Speed Dating rounds, which makes for a very fun and enjoyable evening.  No wasting time on a 2-3 hour date with someone you realize in the first 5 minutes you aren’t compatible with. And no long-term commitment with those you are compatible with – just an opportunity to gain more friends, and possibly more.      

So register today for the Speed Dating event in May.  Or call Arlene at 205-957-4700 for more information about how the event works, if you’re skeptical.  Don’t let the opportunity pass you by to have some harmless fun in a safe, beautiful environment at the Skyline Village’s outdoor pavilion. Who knows – you might just find your next Mr. or Mrs. – or at the very least, your next movie date!

Skyline Village is a beautiful independent living community that offers residents an all-inclusive luxury lifestyle at an affordable value. All-inclusive means that there are no more worries about paying various bills that come with renting or owning a home.  Take a virtual tour, schedule an in-person tour, or give us a call for more details – 1-800-713-7691.